Book Club

Our goal is to celebrate math by reading books with like-minded people. In doing so, we build community, integrate constructive hobbies into our lives, open doors to lifelong learning and just make the world a better space.

You are invited to join us by becoming a member for Season 1 of the Roots of Mathematics Book Club. Season 1 begins Tuesday, September 12, 2023 and will be completed on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. During Season 1, we will read the book Journey through genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics by William Dunham as a community. We do not recommend choosing the Kindle option for this book as the formatting is poor. There are two types of Membership: General Members and Dedicated Members.

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Why Join

Here are 7 reasons to consider (in no particular order).-

  • A safe place to grow and share ideas. “Mistakes” are allowed and even encouraged.
  • Opportunity to meet new people and develop relationships with like minded people.
  • Fresh perspective to math and life. This is a benefit we get when we can look back on the past. For example, being a grandfather gives you a different perspective of being a parent. Being in college gives you a different perspective of high school. Being in the workforce gives you the perspective of college. Being in this club will give you a fresh perspective on math as we see math develop over time.˝
  • We will encounter real life stories of real people who solved real problems that brought math to where it is today. We get in the heads of some of the greatest minds logic has known by understanding some of the issues they wrestled with and celebrate their accomplishments.
  • We have the insight and the perspective to see the big picture. The stories we talk about are part of the mega math stories. These are not trivial topics. Each button on our calculator has a story for how it arrived. Every time you press that e to the x button, you have a richer understanding of that function. It doesn’t change the numerical answer. But it does give you perspective.
  • There are roles that we would like to fill for those who enjoy helping out.
  • On a personal level, these books have changed my life (Dave). Maybe they will change yours.

Two Types of Membership

  1. General Member
  2. Dedicated Member (limited to the first 32 enrollees)

General Member

Benefits for General Members

  • Access to our community discussion forum in discord to share your thoughts and read other people’s thoughts
  • Access to weekly notes about the book and the club from the club leaders
  • Encouragement to try something new with like minded people
  • Personal growth by gaining a better understanding of math, how it arrived, and the people who were pioneers to make it happen.

Cost and Requirements for General Members

  • There is no financial cost to join (I suppose that is a “benefit”)
  • If you do not have a copy of the book, you will need to purchase the book
  • You must complete a sign up form and agree to our professionalism standards for communicating (i.e. be nice)
  • Have a current LinkedIn profile page indicating your professional status
  • Join us for discussions via discord
  • General members will not have access to Zoom calls

Everyone who meets the requirements above will be accepted as a General Member.

Dedicated Member

If a General Membership is not enough for you, we do have our Dedicated Membership option. The Dedicated Members have all the benefits and requirements of the General Members. In addition, the Dedicated Members attend a weekly zoom call. Space is limited to 32 Dedicated Members who will be chosen on a first come first serve basis.

Benefits to the Dedicated Members

  • All the benefits of the General Membership
  • More personal collaboration by attending a weekly zoom meeting with other Dedicated members to discuss the book.
  • Gain a better understanding of the book and develop a stronger connection with the members.

Cost and requirements for the Dedicated Members

  • Like the regular membership, there is no cost to join but you must purchase your own book
  • You must be an active member by joining the zoom meetings and collaborating with other members. There will be 5 weekly Zoom meetings from Sep 12 - Oct 17, inclusive. All meetings are Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM Central. There will be a “strike system” where you may lose your Membership if you do not meet the minimum requirements for the Dedicated Members. Details are here.

How Can I Join?

Click the link below to be taken to the online form. The form will ask you to choose between a General Membership or a Dedicated Membership. We will respond by sending you an email to inform you of your Membership status. We will also indicate how you may join us on Discord and more details of the book study.

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You may email your questions to

Roots of Mathematics Book Club